Recents in Beach


About Me

Tentang saya :
Hai, nama saya Lalu Galih Gasendra, S.Si. Saya adalah orang Indonesia. Saya selalu ingin menjadi orang yang sederhana. Saya memiliki banyak keterampilan, tapi tidak ada yang hebat dan profesional. Saya mempelajari segala sesuatu yang bisa saya pelajari. Di bidang Seni Musik (Vocal, Gitar, Drum, Keyboard, biola, Beberapa Alat Musik Tradisional Indonesia, dsb), Seni Teater, Seni Rupa, Komputer (Desainer, Progammer, Editor Musik dan Film), dsb.

About Me :
Hi, my name Lalu Galih Gasendra, S.Si. I am an Indonesian. I was a freelancer. I'm simple man with a simple skill and always want to be a simple man. I have a lot of skill, but nothing great and professional. I learn everything what I can learn. In Music Arts (Vocal, Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, Violin, some Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments, etc.), Theater Arts, Computers (Designers, progammer, Music and Film Editor), etc.

August 15, 1988

Kopang, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Elementary School of 1 Kopang ('94-'00)
       Junior High School of 1 Kopang ('00-'03) Senior High School of 2 Mataram('03-'06)
       First Graduate Mathematics Science - Education University of Indonesia ('07-'10)
       Professional Education for Teacher - Education University of Indonesia('10-'11)


Skill (Computer):
3D Graphic : Cinema 4D, Sweet Home 3D, etc.
Graphic : Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc.
Music : FL Studio, Adobe Audition, PreSonus Studio One, etc.

Photo : Adobe PhotoShop, Corel Paint, etc.Video : After Effect, Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, etc.
Programming : Delphi 7, PHP, etc.